Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nebraska Swingers 2011 Summer Team

This is my summer team from last summer.  This was my second year of being on this team. This picture was taken during Nationals in Kansas City our last tournament of the summer. I was currently injured during this time with my shoulder so i couldn't throw at all but i could still bat. My Coach didn't end up playing me and played our pick up players instead of me. I was not happy at all with him. He didn't even pitch our own pitchers he pitched our two pick up players which i think is very unfair for the girls who actually play on this team. This was the last group picture of the summer.

These are girls that i played summer ball with the summer of 2011 so last summer. Starting on the left with Whitney who we called "Baby Whit" because shes so tiny and always needed someone to take care of her. Then there's me. To the left of me but the right of you is Allison but we call her "Humm" because that's her last name. Then last but not least is Brandy but i call her "B-Randy" nothing too different from her name. These were my girls that summer i hung out with them all the time. We don't hang out as much anymore because they go to Doane College. That is where this picture was taken after one of their games.

1 comment:

  1. Fastpitch softball bats this bat is a great bat all around. I have just received it and used it for about a week in the cages. I have never ever batted this well. my bat speed is the best its ever been and I've never gotten my hands through as well. I've just been creaking the ball with this thing.
