Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Swingers X-treme Summer 2012

This is my new summer softball team that my high school coach coaches. I decided to play for him instead of my old team because he actually pushes us and conditions us to make us better players. Jim just let us goof around and not warm up right, slack off, and whatever else we did. There's no way that Dawson would let us get away with any of the BS that Jim did. Jim was more worried about the team bonding then actually how we played. And what I don't get is last year we were actually good even without practicing 3 times a week and warming up the right way. But I would never take back my decision of switching teams. I love my Swingers X-treme team and wouldn't go back.

These are 3 of the 5 out fielders. Starting on the left is Chelsea, then Katie, and then there's me.

We had a tournament in Omaha so in between games we decided to go to Dicks Sporting Store. We found these shirts and decided to put them on over our jerseys and take a picture. "My game is sick..... too bad it ain't contagious"

After every game we "Shake Hands" but we really don't literally shake hands we just walk though and high five and say good game, nice job, or anything like that.

Another 3 of the 5 outfields, I am on the left, then Morgan, then Chelsea's on the right.

Huddling in our group before we bat at the start of our game because we lost the coin flip and got guest. Home is when you are in the field first and bat last at every inning so that's a huge advantage to the game. Guest is where you bat first so that could also be an advantage but you have to hold then in the last inning.

Me hugging my outties. I love them!!!!

I am #6 and i am smacking Paige's butt telling her good job! Paige is #2 obviously.

Another team huddle. Getting a little talkin too..

Paige, Katie, and I on top of Paige's car before practice.

On top of Paige's car again. Yeahh this is normal for us.

I am on the left, then Paige, then Humm. We were watching the Doane softball team play. Humm plays for them but has a concussion so couldn't play for a while. We were protection ourselves for getting hit by the ball. Yeah i started that.

Us outfielders just being ourselves. Chelsea, Katie, and I during our last game of that tournament in Omaha.

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